🗓️ 2020-05-15
⏲️ Reading time: 2 minutes and 16 seconds.
A simple “workload” for greeting “known” or “unknown” visitors to a site.
In order to enhance the personality of the public web site:
As the business
I want to greet unauthorised visitors formally
So that politeness is properly observed
As the business
I want to greet authorised visitors informally
So camaraderie is enriched
Scenario: users of the API are greeted
Given the API is available
Given a visitor is <auth_level>
* they request a greeting
When they are greeted
Then the greeting is <greeting>
| auth_level | greeting |
| unauthorised | formal |
| authorised | informal |
This is a brain dump outlining the minimum required documentation of the behaviour of the example workload. In this case, the example workload is a simple “hello world” API, which returns a simple JSON object when queried.
If the request is ‘authorised’ the JSON contains some added, ‘sensitive’ information.
The example is developed, provisioned, and maintained using AWS tools such as
Participant A as Automation
Participant B as Integration
Participant C as Production
A ->> B: initiation - provision stacks
B --> C: implementation - deploy 'workload' to stacks
C --x A: iteration - improve infrastructure or application
As a visitor to the Public Web Site
I want to perform 'authenticated actions'
So I can interact with my account
Given an authenticated user
When they request the API 'hello'
Then the Public Web Site will execute that action
graph LR
pws[Public Web Site]
guest-only-actions[Guest Only Actions]
Visitor --> pws
pws --> Authentication
Authentication --> Authenticated
Authentication --> Unauthenticated
Authenticated --> RBAC
RBAC --> Action
Unauthenticated --> RBAC
RBAC --- guest-only-actions
RBAC --> Audit
Audit --> Logging
Action --> Logging
DEV --> SEC: Collaboration to produce secure, reliable implementation
SEC --> OPS: Collaboration to produce secure, reliable infrastructure
DEV --> OPS: Feedback from operational readiness testing
OPS --> DEV: Feedback from incidents, maintenance, logs
To ensure an effective and optimised workflow for maintaining the workload, some things should be considered:
graph LR
classDef lifecyclePhase fill:#737373
log-events(Record events that occur throughout <br/>the life of the workload)
subgraph OPS
monitor-cost(Monitor the cost of the workload):::lifecyclePhase
monitor-health(Monitor the operational health of the workload)
respond-improve(Improve the implementation of the workload<br/> in response to incidents and analytics)
subgraph SEC
log-audit(Record interactions <br/>with the workload's API)
provide-security-tests(Provide an evolving set<br/> of tests to ensure the workload is<br/> secured according to policy)
subgraph DEV
subgraph IMPLEMENT
define(Define / Develop the workload)
subgraph MEASURE
measure-performance(Measure the performance <br/> of the workload)
subgraph IMPROVE
continuous-improvement(Evolve the workload<br/> and its infrastructure in step)
log-audit --> continuous-improvement
respond-improve --> continuous-improvement
monitor-cost --> continuous-improvement
monitor-health --> continuous-improvement